Sponsorship Opportunities

Ready to connect with thousands from your target market?

Complete the form below to get more details, including rates:

Professional Photographer
Imaging USA

Make an even bigger impression this year!

Do you want your company to make an even bigger impression this year?! Then Imaging USA Sponsorship is what you need. Sponsorship raises the bar on what you can accomplish. There’s no better way to deliver impact and brand recognition at the beginning of a new year. You want them to remember you all year long, so don’t limit your exposure to your exhibit space. Raise your brand above the rest with a sponsorship that keeps your company top of mind as the go-to resource for their business needs.

We can customize your sponsorship package, allowing you to maximize your competitive positioning and achieve the focused branding and exposure your product deserves and needs to stay a step ahead of the competition.

To help you get the results you want, contact your sales rep.

View the Sponsorship Packages and Opportunities for our next show.

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“I look forward to pushing my refresh button every January. I refocus, reorganize, and learn something new to enhance my business and creativity.”
Imaging USA Attendee