Magazine Advertising

Ready to connect with thousands from your target market?

Complete the form below to get more details, including rates:

Professional Photographer
Imaging USA

Submitting files to FTP

To send digital files via FTP, collect all page layouts, fonts, graphics, and compress them into one stuffed file. Label file with issue date and advertiser name.

Upload file to the following site:
User Name: adftp
Password: upload

Email Art Director Debbie Todd at [email protected] once your ad file has been uploaded to the ftp site.

Submitting files by Email

Email files to Art Director Debbie Todd at [email protected].

Submitting files by other file transfer methods

Email Art Director Debbie Todd at [email protected] with the link to file transfer sites such as Hightail, Dropbox, etc.

Short Rates & Rebates

Advertisers will be short rated if within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion they do not use the amount of space on which billing was based. Advertisers will be rebated if within a 12-month period from the date of the first insertion they have earned a higher frequency than was originally billed.

General Policy

Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content, including text, representation, and illustration of advertisements printed, and also for any claims originating therefrom made against the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising or to request changes.

Any deliberate attempt to simulate the publication's format is not permitted, and the publisher reserves the right to place the word "advertisement" with copy which, in the publisher's opinion, resembles editorial matter. Publisher is not bound by conditions appearing on insertion orders or copy instructions not in accord with rate card.

Agency Commission

A 15% agency commission will be allowed on space, color, bleed, and position rates only if account is paid within 30 days of invoice receipt. Commission is not allowed on insert back-ups, trimming, production fees, or classified advertising. A charge of 1.5% per month or annual rate of 18% will be made on all accounts past due.

In the event of nonpayment by an advertising agency, advertiser will be held accountable for payment. Advertiser and advertising agency are jointly and severally liable for payment. PPA will not release any advertising agency from liability even if a sequential liability clause is included in the contract, insertion order, purchase order, etc. No cash discounts.